Kat’s Headset Hack
A light version of the eeg sensors and pcb housing could allow the headset to be used for alternate purposes such as interactive movement / dance performances.
- Separate sensors from pcb-shield
- Incorporate headphones and sensors on headset
- Establish wireless between headset and pcb-shield
Design Strategy
Spiral development process to be followed.
Step 1 (4-day workshop)
- Solder the shield
- Program C.H.I.P. , load Supercollider + eeg code
- Re-design headset with sensors
- Re-design body attachable pcd-shield-battery housing
- 3D Print headset and housing parts
- Make it work! Troubleshoot.
Step 2 (further development scenario)
- Shield hack
- Add wi-fimodule
- Headset hack
- Add custom headphones
- Add wi-fimodule
- Add switch
Hardware Development Documentation
A custom headset was designed, informed by the biomorphic characteristics of an average female head.
The headset bears 3 sensors sockets (minimum number of eeg sensors required toget an output) on the frontal – right forehead and sets of holes directing the sensors’ cables towards the left side. The headset strip surrounds the cranium andis fixed on the head tightly, thus providing both good signal and stability. The strip ends on a pad around the left ear and the opposing forces created between the front right and right side of the set hold it in place.
Software used : Rhino 3D (design), MeshMixer (Mesh editing, 3D printing supports generation)
Hardware used : Da Vinci Pro 3 in 1 ANiMA Edition (3D Printer,200 x 200 x 190 mm)